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A typeface is a set of movable bronze letters used for titling or marking words by means of an indentation in the leather. These sets of movable letters, known as “fonts”, are made up of 100, 130, 170 or more characters, each letter or sign being present in several copies. There are also numbers and special characters.
These “compositions” are based on language imperatives. Their content is cultural and not commercial, so the composition of a font will be different for French, English, Belgian, Spanish or Brazilian.
We offer more than 100 fonts. In a variety of styles, covering all the trends in the History of Art: classical, romantic, 20th century baton, gothic, art deco, lower case, straight, slanted, wide, narrow. Each style also has different dimensions. We offer a historical and aesthetic response tailored to your requirements.
Machine work
All our typefaces can be used for machine marking.
In this case, depending on your machines, we can offer you special flat-bottomed or grooved type-setters, or “composition boxes”.
Working by hand
For manual marking, the characters are placed in a tool called a composter or letter holder.
The “Fer à dorer” (gilding iron) is a leather gilding tool used by bookbinders, gilders and saddlers. It is a generic term for tools such as Fleurons, Filets, Palettes, Roulettes and griffes-signatures.
We offer you a selection of designs that we think are particularly useful and representative of their styles, but we can also present you with a wide range of models, taken from our current or past catalogues, our Workshop books and our “Styles and Models” book.
Our archives are full of designs, so don’t hesitate to ask.
Finials are traditionally the basis of book decoration. They are used mainly on the spines, but also on the covers. Each century, each era, each aesthetic period brings its own characteristics. If you need us, we’ll be on hand to advise you and make your pastiches a success.
Curious about the history of finials? Find the book Styles et modèles, Guide des styles de dorure et de décoration des reliures by Pascal Alivon in our shop.
Pallets are tools used to decorate the spines of books, while castors are used to gild dishes. These tools, which have different functions, have identical designs. The designs we are presenting can be made using either palettes or roulettes. Here again, we have only grouped together the essential designs.
The first palettes and roulettes, known as “netted”, form the basis of the designs. The others, known as “ornate”, have motifs specific to each historical style.
The tools needed for sheathing are castors and finials, and are no different from those used for books. However, dimensional requirements, such as the size of desks, often call for larger designs. The models we offer are specially adapted for this purpose.
Fillets are bronze tools that express the creativity of the designer. Straight or curved, they allow you to adapt your creative idea to the way it is executed, whether in gilding or mosaics.
Depending on your own style and project, you may prefer to use one series rather than another. We can make them in any thickness you want, but n°2, which corresponds to a 0.4 mm mesh, is the most necessary.
Once you’ve had a taste of the joys of handling threads, you can move on to thinner, more delicate thicknesses. For example, n°1 is 0.25 mm thick, or n°0, also known as “hair”, is 0.15 mm thick.
“F” series
The “F” series has 13 straight threads and provides a starting point for creating your first designs.
“Art” series
The “ART” series offers 43 curved threads with, if desired, the 7 so-called “off-curve” threads which have the same radius of curvature but are shorter in cross-section.
“M” Series
The “M” Series is less universal but reflects the needs of its creator, the famous gilder M. Mondange.
“D” Series
The “D” Series, made up of 5 threads, can be used to make semi-circles.
“G” series
The “G” Series comprises 8 double threads bevelled at 45°.
We can make bespoke threads to the thickness, length and angle you require.
We make signature stamps to mark your work.
The standard size is 1.40 mm.
We offer 2 different styles to suit your needs:
The 20th century “bâton” style, font no. 679, which indicates that you are signing today.
The classic “Elzévir” style, font no. 602, which gives your signature a timeless look.
We can also customise your signature according to your own design or wishes.