Marking emotions

Maison Alivon Éditions was born of Marion Saussier’s ability to capture the beauty embedded in each of the manufacture’s ‘workshop memories’ and turn it into accent artwotk. Trained to work with metal, Marion brazes, welds, drills, polishes and gilds bronze to bring out its preciousness and poetry.



Maison Alivon Éditions brings to life warm, homely pieces that bring people together. Tableware, sculptural jewellery, works of art – all these creations invite us to celebrate the art of living well, with others and with ourselves.


To explore the expressive and formal potential of bronze, Maison Alivon Éditions regularly collaborates with other craftsmen and designers on capsule collections, exceptional four-handed pieces and group exhibitions.

Miroir Pépite

Material library

“Nothing is lost, everything is transformed”. This is particularly true at Maison Alivon Éditions: it’s a virtuous gamble, met as much by commitment as by natural creativity. Sublimating material without altering its character makes this collection of objets d’art, curiosities for the initiated, unheard-of jewellery and exceptional everyday objects unique.

Marion Saussier

As the daughter of a bookbinder and gilder and the niece of a framer, Marion has always been surrounded by crafts and creativity. Throughout her life, she has learned many techniques such as bookbinding, gilding, framing, ceramics, sculpture and, of course, bronze work.

Marion Saussier